Today was quite a fulfilin' day at school. I was embarrassed about by poem anthology. Turns out we're supposed to have 6 page long poems(sort of like odes and ballads), and a scenario, reflection and maybe an illustration for each poem. All i got was 6 poems sqeeuzed into 1.5 pages.
Have I commented about my Eng/Lit teacher? Well, if I havent here goes(this is quite risky, simply cuz she DOES check her students' blogs. But oh well, no holes barred).
Her name is Mrs D'cruz. Shes actually really good at teaching eng and lit on the whole, and shes better than mrs selvan(sec 1 eng/lit tr). I have nothing against Mrs Selvan, i got a good 78(3.6) from her lessons, but she was really soft on our class troublemakers(me excluded). Mayb thats why i did well. I really asked wuteva that came out(of my mouth) so that helped(and she didnt get angry). But Mrs selvan was a really nice lady. even now she when sees our class(or any us of us individuals), she'll give a wide smile and say hi in her weird Anglo-Indian American accent.
Mrs Drcuz is also really nice(kinda). But theres this guy called Guan Wen who she focuses on alot. I mean Tangsheng and Wen Wei dont mind her few nicknames(for them), neither does lexus(bottle cap, eaily angered anime fanatic that curses in Naruto language), but Guan Wen.... well... just read the back ground info.
Some background info first: Guan Wen is this normalish guy in my class. But hes really... peculiar. He always hangs out with Lexus. Hes a nice guy, but if you see him outside and say hi, he'll give this grunt and turn away and not talk at all.
At first I thought that was fine, but then he grew weirder. When he presents infront of people, he'll hide behind something or hold on to something. Once hes done he'll run back to his seat. And Bennett makes fun of him. :( Poor him. Maybes hes just not used to social situation(which is still some form of mild aspegers)
Ok so shes just focuses on him alot cuz hes quite weak at oral presentations. But today was quite interesting. She began on how she doesnt pick on people. I wouldnt disagree but she does pick on Lexus but he deserves that. But Guan Wen the poor guy was asked(oh god im so mean but this is so funny):
"I mean, do I pick on you?" she asked.(This was after how she told us about one of her old students who complained that she only concentrated on the lit high flyers and pick on the weaker ones)
(Whats he supposed to say? According to Bennett, he may just had(in that moment)cried out about how he's had enough and jump off the senior block)
"No" he said.(what else)
Well. Nevermind, he'll grown out of it. Besides, he stoped hanging out with Lexus(that should help). Don;t mind me, I just have something against Lexus.
Thats school chronicles. I could go on, but it'll just be about elwin veg jokes, dirty crabshells for science, and all that boring stuff.
Also, Ive been into this game called Nationstates. Its really boring, it just a broswer based webgame where you control a naiton and 2 issues come from your parliament everyday. You can choose to ignore(but thats boring) or choose one of the options or opinions they give you. Sometimes the issues will be regarding war, trade. I remember once it was about how public nudity should be tolerated. Its still very boring. But if you really wanna try it the website is
Back to my point. What really attracted me was the forum. People talk about the game, but they talk about relvant stuff ALOT too. Just read what theyve put up is very interesting. Very currect issues too.
Eg. There have been 2 reports of death due to Religious "Zealousness". See in one case, a 15 month year old oregon born baby had a form of puemonia that was curable but her parents refused treatment cuz they believed god could solve it all. In another case a 12 girl refused treatment when it was found out she got cancer. It was stage 2 (curable) but she got to stage 4 a few months later she died. This second story is from Yahoo. US video section.
Check out the discussion forum here
Heres a quote from one of the forumers about his thoughts
** INSPIRED BY 15-month old toddler murdered by christianity **
We have a legal set age at which sex is consensual.
We have a legal set age at which it consumption of alcohol is permitted.
We have a legal set age at which we can smoke.
There are also legal set ages for driving, gambling, taking out a loan, voting, and more.
We rated our TV, movies, games and music with the "health" of our children in mind. We bar younger ones from playing violent games, or sexually charged games.
Yet, there is no age set on when a person may practice religion.
All of the above won't hurt you if you engage in proper protections or just don't engage in rated activities. Yet, there is ample proof that these can cause hurt. That is the justification for the age. But why then do we not have one on religion if we're concerned about the wellbeing of society, why do we permit the young; undeveloped mind and the immature emotional understanding to be exposed to religion without protections?
Why is it fine to indoctrinate children with religious propaganda?
Shouldn't there be an "age", or are these ages arbitrary with no other reason than the fact that some prudes don't want people having fun.
Anyway, my view is that for the 12 year old girl who refused treatment, its her choice, she was able to mkae a decision. But for the Baby, it was involuntary and US is(by rights) a country built on secularism(like sg, something like this can be called neglect). But in the states of Oregon and Wisconsin, all a parent needs to do is say "God forbids it"(or some variation) and they can not have their child be sent to public hospitals. Its sad, but well, a major social upheavel would be needed to solve this one. Imagine one day we find out pork prevents tubercolosis(impossible, but just an analogy) are we going to force all muslim to eat pork?
Ppl who actually see by blog, reply on the tagboard and mayb we can spark up a good argument.
P.S. It beens a long time since i had so much meaningful emo stuff to talk about