haha ms ivy lee-wong, or just ms lee to us, was on some advert for some facial product.
i can now say, i've been taught by 2 models, one ms ivy lee, and one imelda chang(go rlp! woohoo0!)

Labels: end of eoys, hehe, WTF
Eh, I originally wanted to write this blogpost to explain to ayj abuut what he tot sounded like stalking. so here goes:
okay. see theres an rgs show called aparallel. so i was gonna watch it on wednesday, so i got my friend zhiyuan to order it form his friend sarah tan(i think). so i found out clare was watching it too and told her im watching on wednesday, and clare sorta tried to get wed tixs. then zhiyuan told me there werent anymore tixs on wed and so i had to settle for tues, and i told clare this and she changed hers back to tues. AND then my friend friking told me actually theres still tixs left and he took the liberty to order them for me and i wanted to tell this to clare but clare wanred me against that since it has already caused her alot of trouble to keep switching days for the tixs, so that really pissed her off, and ya thats why i called you ayj.. there.
Wokay. now that that sagas' over. really into electro pop nowadays since it gets you into like a party mode. eg, tik tok by kesha and patron tequilla by paradiso girls.
hmm, really looking forward to eoy results, dunno why. also. how am i suppoed to wish mrs simon happy bday? and..... clare its clement's ccamates i think, not his classmates,
Labels: Bored, Fail, friends, guilty
*Does weird crunk dance, the sort you see in the 80s videos that doesn't really look like dancing, but more like arms and legs in particularly pattern-like movement, like what the Zohan dances like, you know that sort of dancing*
*Cools Down*
*you might see so many typos that you'll think that i'm insane, but I am, SO GET USED TO IT*
*does the pop'n'lock dance wildly. wiki/google that*
Phew. Alrite. Now that i'm sane, or less insane than my usual self, let me chronicle my life thus far in this harrowing eoy period. *pauses*
Yup, contrary to what most people would feel, life in Boarding gives the EOY period a new freshness, I guess. I mean how often do you actually have the discipline to sit down and do 400 marks worth of math? Only when eveyrone around you is doing that same. And how often can you just pop by to your neighbours room and sit down and eat cup noodles(free.btw) and study bio, or teach them chem(rhymes). ITS FRIKING AWESOME. Anyway, i've got one week left in boarding, i've got an awesome/weird roomie(no not awesomely weird) and hes got similar views with me on life and all and we can tlak about stuff, AND he's in a external chinese drama club, and how cool is that! So i'll be missing him once boarding life is over, and altho we'll meet in school it'll be different as friends nia. ROOMIES FTW! And erm everytihng boarding ghas with it as well. Really missing the lifestlye soon even thou i have like 1.5 weeks of boaridng left.
Right, now to talk about other stuff. Those from SHPS, ya'll know Sanat? The 6/9 dude? No?
Okay anyways he was my classmate in p3 and we always compared abt who was funnier and all, and I guess he is now, but after I left for GEP never tot I would see ihm again but we're in the SAME FRIKING CLASS NOW, and hes so lame lunch with him is truly awesome. Although I am still smarter than him I mean 3.65> 3.2-3.3 right? Anyways, never tot and it truly been a great surprise to meet him again. Sanat most probably will never read this but if your seeing this, you're a great friend!
Right. about yesterday. I was STARING at clare on the train and my ri friends tot I was looking her up(wtf, classmates?!) and I kinda looked like a pervert. but anyway, it took clare a total number of 6 stops before she was like SHAWN! SORRYX10. I was kinda amused. And we didnt talk , since ti would be awkward for the 2 groups of friends. Really wanted to walk over and ask u where mg is today, and what to do since our exams are over(take that AYJ) at mg, and I DONT HAVE CARDS, but my immature friends were teasing me. GROW UP CLASS MATES. Buh if you're thinking why i was on the train with them in the first place, it's because there the only ppl in my class to live in the east.
And about MG. CLAR YOU HAVE to show me the fonnian lore, I keep hearing about and it already sounds like such a deep unirverse with so much to explore! I heard i got a tribe names after my barbequing expertise. hmm. waiting for that. And there so much to it I HAVE TO READ/SEE IT!
And about after exams plans I HAVE NOT IDEA WHAT IMA GONNA DO? Im thinking of finding a job, learning a new language, getitng fitter, learn a new skill and slack. COME ON 6.12/3c/RP give me ideas and things to do!
hmm. about RP. I really wonder whats gonna happen next year. I can only hope and wish.
ps. Bryan seethor are you happy now that I;ve given you Sb+ for your bday! HUH? HUH? gah why am i so nice to you
Labels: birthdays, Bored, end of eoys, Fail, friends, good news, guilty, Happy, hehe, long post, Must Watch, plans, wasting time