memories galore mine and yours
Tinted Monday, April 27, 2009
Taken from...
Clar/Clare/Fon and AYJ (btw will be very to what has been said)

Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4).

1. Mistress Stonealot of the Blog, Goddess of Reunion-Organising and Sole Pillar of Sanity
2. Lady Toleratia of the Dry Wit, Jedi Master of Bashing People Over The Head, and Fantasist of the Seventh Circle, First Scribe of Twelvian Lore.
3. Sir Idiot-Brainlesse Maximus of Gitland and Whackadoodle, First Knight of Nonsense
4. King Nerdios Melodymaster, Demigod of Computer-Gaming and Physics, named also Calculus Complexitas.
5. Count Doofus Sillyidea, Lord of Music Disdain, and his dominion is over Tongue
6. Countess Twilightmania the Vampiric Chocoholic, who possesses the Wail of the Banshee
7. Princess Randomnessa Bipolaris, Ruler of the Blondhilites and Healer of the S'jab.
8. Magus Malav Dumbledore, Caretaker of the Great Fonnian Libraries and Owleries, Second Scribe of Twelvian Lore.

These eight people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be. (oo exciting)

There are 4 rooms. Who will be in each room?

Room1- Clar and Clare and Mala
Room2- AYJ and Me
Room3- Tabi and Kim
Room4- The Fon

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
Room 2, sorta of like a fusion of diff. types of music. Pop-rock vocal stuff.

If someone was considered the dad and the mom of the house, who would it be?
Clare. And AYJ. I wonder what mom and dads do when their children are not around.

*Expanding on the family concept, what roles would the other six people take?
Well. I would be like the rude 2nd Brother. And Older sister Tabi would always be scolding me. Fon and Kim would be like squabbling twins. Clar and Mala would be the trapped in centre kids with normal outlooks but are totally insane like everyone else.
(Reality Show Worthy)

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
I would take one from each person and amass a whole carton of candy to help me survive when one day mum and dad stop cooking cuz we pissed them off.

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
AYJ? Since we both only take 30 seconds, and both low cost maintenance. (Unlike Shirlyn if she came)

There was two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
Fon. I would be angry but join in anyway,

Who would hate being in the house the most?
Noone, but seeing people too often make people less appreciative of one another.

Someone took your (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
I don't think anyone actually did. I lost them.

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?
Hmm. Fon or maybe even Kim if they were lazy to clean up.

If there was arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
Depends on the topic, really.

Who would be the one missing their boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn’t in the house with them?
Well. Erm. Maybe. No.

You walked down stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in there Leopard Thong, who is the crazy one?
Shawn, and Fon are the more insane ones, so why not? NO WAY
I would never dance in a leopard thong. So tasteless, give me some big beehive dress and you'll see my dance the night away,

A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
Everyone. Its good stress relief.

There's a marathon of your favorite TV show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
I think everyone in the fellowship like a tv show. Mostly Sitcoms and Reality TV.

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
Not me. Mala and Clare maybe?

There’s a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who are the pranksters?
I would.

The music's too loud, who turned it up?
Shawn. Or me. Or both. I bet we were listening to say, idk, RJA and blasting as we sang along
(really? RJA is really hard to sing along with. Maybe something easier like chris daughtry)

There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?
youngest sis, aka kim
b)who is the one to jump into someone's arms?
youngest bro, aka fon
c)who would be the one to kill it?
I would. But then chicken out. SO mum and dad.
*d)who would be the one to pet it and call it adorable before Clare/I mashes its brains in?
Mala, she seems to be unafraid of practically every bug there is. (Haha I agree, maybe i would do that too.)

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost set the house on fire?
Well. Fon. Everyone else can cooks rite?

Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it?
Well. According to Fon, me. But no. I'm not insane.

Who is the tallest in the house?
Fon. I come a close second

Who is the shortest in the house?
Kim, the youngest one

Who is(are) the loudest?
The twins

*Who laughs the loudest?
Me, in fact i would be so loud the neighbours would complain

*Who laughs the most?

Who is the clown?

Who is the most respectful?

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?

Who's in bed first?
Contrary to popular belief i sleep at 11 everyday. Very early.

*Who's the one who keeps on getting locked out because they forgot the keys?
Shawn, Kim or Fon. Or possibly Mala.

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
Mmybe me and Shawn

Who is always dancing?

You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one to slip on it first?
Fon, shortly followed by Kim, who was chasing him.

Who is always playing some form of instrument?
does the mouth count? I’d be singing all the time... Otherwise, Tabby

*Who is always raising their eyebrows at the antics of everyone else?
Everyone has antics. We'll be used to it by then.

*What room would all of you like installed in the house?
Hmm. A room that has computers and a personalized sound booth system for everyone and has like a giant central book shelf were once u read out the title and author of the book a book would appear in your hands.

RP people coming next!

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Tinted Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh you have no idea how much this song is helping me to cope.

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Tinted Friday, April 17, 2009
Why who doesn't love and respect their father.

Noone right? But most do so because its a social norm.

Some parts of the post are going to sound dreary and HK-drama serial like, but heck.

Today was a great day. Started off school fine, and the day was slack. There was the all important "Friendship Day", had physics, which is an eternal bore(what in the World is Cathode Ray CRO and Kinematics?), and we had PE, where i skipped my 2.4 pretest because i was "Sick". After recess, continued a class viewing of Erin Brokovich, which is a true masterpiece of modern flim(ok not really but its good).

After that, slacked around school and tried to build up stamina by running but never got to it. Had RP auditions, where numerous sec 1s and 2s came to try out. I'm not supposed to say anything(would be so rude). However the sec3s were tasked with the job of acting along with the auditionees , which i told we did quite badly at but nvm. Some good talented guys. Thats all i think. And a better turnout than I expected.

After that just screwed around with the always fantastic RP guys. Thing done included:
a VERY violent pillow fight
Trying to balance 7 people on 2 wobbly cresent shaped sponges
Singing and Dancing and Acting
Answering Zac's queries since he was playing are u smarter than a 5th grader

After that had dinner with the family at the crazy ass tampines area. You know the one with 3 malls around one shopping mall? And it was peak period. So we had dinner, and we were walking back home (its only 1km) and then halfway thru the bus stop we see this old lady, the sort that collects cans, smells like poop and most probably has an unfillial son who cant give a shit. She most probably had sort of some rheumatic problem cuz she was limping quite badly.

She fell from her walking stick. The cans she collected split on the floor and NOONE BLOODY HELPED HER UP. For 5 minutes my dad was in a moral dilemma. We were waiting for someone else to help her(as most singaporeans do). Noone did. Why, in a busy crowd, society doesnt seem to care if a frail old lady just collapse upon herself. WHY? I don't know if this problem is an sg one, but i think it is. We really need some slapping to wake us up from our moral slumber.

However, Thank GOD (and morals)(and courage from my dad) my dad went up to the poor woman, helped her with her cans and picked her up. But she was wobbly and unstable, and she needed a hand to hold. My god the crowd looked at my dad as if he was wrong to help the woman. I was about to break out into a rant at the crowd but i kinda banished the thought. My dad, brave and unfazed, picked the woman up(and she smlt really bad btw, like bad yogurt), walked,or sortof lifted) her to the nearest coffe shop about 100meters away. Not a word of complaint from my dad. He sat her and bought her some food(my god was she bony).

Throught all this, I wanted to cry. In anger, sadness, and pure respect.


b. Oh wow. This lady needs help. Wonder if Alicia Goh still has that friends of hers friend in social services.

c. Dad. You da man. I mean, would u have the guts to help this lady in a crowd of people trying to kill each other to get the the buses, blocking ALL of them in the process, because u knew it was the right thing to do? i wouldn't. i dont have the guts. My dad does. *Bows in respect*

Do I respect my father? yes. of course i do. the event speaks for itself.

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Tinted Monday, April 13, 2009

Its a chic book. It reads: I want to be Sedated

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Tinted Friday, April 10, 2009
I went to watch the play "The importance of Being Earnest" yesterday night.

It was absolutely awesome. It was an all-male cast, I was seriously afraid that it would become an all out drag affair. It almost did at the beginning, but that was because the audience was squeamish, and the audience soon got desensitized and managed to look at the play the way it was. Which by the way was so many things that made so much sense.

I will not type out a review, but real props to Mr Ivan Heng, whose portrayal was unbelievably convincing. His(or her) presence simply dominated the stage, and he brought the ensemble to a whole new level of energy. Not to mention he was hilarious too. Got his autograph haha.

Also Oscar Wilde is a true genius for writing this script, which themes still holds true until now. Unlike Shakespeare and his totally out of touch Winter's Tale.
Had fun with you all Rp guys!

OK i will also use this post as a homework list.

1. English commentary and prepare of the in class assignment.
2. history preparation for in class deabte(essay)
3. Math Assignment.
4. Chem equations.

Hope to do at least one of these at the mugger group.

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Tinted Thursday, April 9, 2009
So today was a harrowing experience.

Ever heard of rhinology? Neither have I haha. But i was introduced to the term while a black tube scope was stuffed up my nose. Heres the story:

After school, i had to go down to KK hospital for a nose checkup. My nose had been sporadically bleeding so i decided i had to see a doctor. So i went to the doctor.

So i say hi to him. I tell him my problem and he says he needs to check the insides of my nasal cavity. How?

Simple, we stuff a black tube with a camera up you nose!

So he sprays some anasthestic into each nostril thrice. Correction, he shoots jets of this into my nose. Uncomfortable. After awhile couldnt feel, smell or taste anything with my palates senses. So i thought it should be fine.

Then his nurse takes out this monster of a tube. He says its really thin, but its the thickness of my little finger. Which is btw really fat. He stuffs it up both nostrils, TWICE. After that, i felt so relieved. Luckily it wasn't anything malicious, like a tumour in my nose os somthing, just sensitivity. Throughout this whole process, he was trying to talking to me, in a failed attempt of calming me down. He talked about rhinology, how he was an RI boy. I felt like telling him to shut up but then the tube would break in my nasal cavity the moment i opened my mouth. Bad thought.

Never doing that again.

IBE tmrw. haha. Hope its money well spent.

P.S. Cheer up clar. Its no use feeling sad for a git like Mook.

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Tinted Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yes. I am awesome.

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Tinted Friday, April 3, 2009
Im usually into 80's music.

Although i'm not really a rock fan.

But when u put them together...

U get this TOTALLY PWNAGE SONG. this song owns. It has vocals, good lyrics(inspiring ha), good riffs, bass sounds great and its a classic! (first time i heard it was on the spongebob secret recipe episode haha)

dun bother with the cheesy video.

I don't Know. (heyhey line from the play. nvm. sorry)

I've been feeling all so empty after my SYF, since it took up my time and was basically the reason i looked forward to school. Halfway thru the first period in class, I would think of rehearsals. During recess, i would look forward to rehearsals. basically, school was a time filler. Other cca friend felt syf was a pain and torture, but this production with rp was REALLY fun. it became like Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or cannbis haha, some addictive drug. Now is the cold turkey period i guess.

Now that its over, theres NOTHING to look forward to. Life is back into a routine, and my post production blues are increasing exponentially.

Some people feel the worst effects of it immediately on the day after their play, but i dont.

Mine increases to a tipping point and i turn really sad. like i would b really sensitive and down. and unmotivated. Haha but i'll grow out of it! And be happy.

Right? Haiz. At least i found my true calling. Go RP!

Now that i got THAT out. Yey MGs. I've seen,heard and read so much about your adventures. Haha i bet fonny is the creator of like 90% of them all. What do yall study?

And its been so long since i've chatted with 6/12... Aha i still rmbr my weird jumpshot facial reactions with yall.

P.S. Good Luck Greg for your DI tmrw!

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